"Bądź pozdrowiona, Pani, święta Królowo, święta Boża Rodzicielko, Maryjo:
(...) w Tobie była i jest wszelka pełnia łaski i wszelkie dobro."
św. Franciszek
Urgent Call for Donations – Make a Pledge to the Sisters of Klaryski
The sisters of Klaryski from Sandomierz in Poland are asking with Franciscan humbleness for a financial contribution to support construction of a new monastery. With the protection of Saint Salomea, the sisters offer their meditation and prayers for each donor, asking God for these prayers to be answered through his grace and mercy.
Please send your contribution to the following address. Alternatively, you can make an on-line donation through access of the Sisters of Klaryski’s web-site.
In Christ’s Name,
Sisters of Klaryski
C/O Monastery Building Donations
Convent of the Sisters of Klaryski
Plac Sw. Wojciecha 5
27-600 Sandomierz
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Account in Poland Zloty:
Bank Spoldzielczy in Sandomierz
ul. Słowackiego 37”b”
27- 600 Sandomierz
Account in US Dollar:
IBAN: PL60124027861787001019964170
Account Number: 60124027861787001019964170
Bank Polska Kasa Opieki SA
I Oddzial in Sandomierz
ul. Kosciuszki 4
Account in EUR:
Bank Polska Kasa Opieki SA
I Oddział w Sandomierzu
ul. Kościuszki 4
27- 600 Sandomierz, Polska
IBAN: PL68124027861978001023254416
Monastery with a View of Heaven
In the year 1245, Salomea Piastowna (1212-1268), the daughter of a Polish Prince Leszek Bialy and the sister of Prince Boleslaw Wstydliwy, invited the sisters from the Klaryski convent into the town of Sandomierz, Poland. With the blessing of Bishop Prandota of Krakow, Salomea became the first Nun of Klaryski in Poland. In the year 2007, after almost 800 years of absence from Sandomierz, the sisters of Klaryski returned to Sandomierz to build a new monastery.
The sisters of Klaryski are in urgent need of financial support to build their new monastery in Sandomierz. They are calling on Polish Catholics and all Christians with a compassionate spirit and strong moral ethic to help them continue their prayerful mission, and complete the building of the monastery. The sisters have always been involved in many worthy cases and have helped anyone who needed them. Now the sisters need us.
The Life of Salomea Piastowna
As a young woman, Salomea married Hungarian Prince Koloman. In the year 1241, she became a widow when her husband died in a battle with the Tatars. After his death, she returned to Sandomierz and brought the Klaryski sisters from a convent in Prague. Salomea Piastowna entered the Klaryski convent. She died in the year 1268 and was buried in Krakow in St. Francis Church. She was beatified to sainthood in the year 1673 by Pope Clement X.
Return to Sandomierz
In 1996, the Diocese of Krakow established the new foundation of the monastery for the Klaryski sisters in Sandomierz. Ten years later the Bishop of Sandomierz, Andrzej Dziega, visiting the Skaryszew monastery in the vigil of Saint Clara’s Day, made a decision that the Klaryski sisters shall return to Sandomierz and build their new monastery. On June 12, 2007 the sisters officially moved back to Sandomierz. The Bishop of Sandomierz gave the six sisters a small parcel of land for a temporary accommodation and gardening while the monastery is being built. The sisters are sharing their living space with Sister Faustyna form Hungary.
Monastery for God’s Glory
Once the sisters moved back to Sandomierz, they immediately made the necessary arrangements for the design and construction of the new monastery. Building of the monastery began in March of 2008. The cost of the construction is enormous, and the sisters of Klaryski depend only on public donations.
The sisters spend much of their time in deep prayer. How effective are their prayers? Those that have asked the sisters of Klaryski for specific prayer requests know best, especially the people of Sandomierz.
The new monastery in Sandomierz will not only be a building with a beautiful view of the old city, but, it will be the monastery with the view of Heaven.